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8 Simple brand goals to support your creative business goals

Brand Strategy
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When it comes to your creative business, the best part of your brand that you can work on right now is the part that will help you achieve your goals. So whether you’re planning for the new year, launching a new project, or just checking in on your brand, you’ve got to start with your business goals and find the brand goals to focus on that will help you achieve them.

But what could those brand goals be? What areas of your brand can you turn to that will support your business?

The 8 Key Brand Goals

There are 8 key brand objectives that you can focus on depending on what you’re trying to achieve in your business. Let’s take a look at what they are, how they could help you, and what you’ll measure.

🎯 Strategy & Clarity

This means focusing on: Getting clear on your brand strategy

It’ll help you when you’re: Getting started, pivoting, niching down, launching something new

It’s measured by: How your brand is understood by your audience (and you!)

🎨 Identity & image

This means focusing on: Establishing an identity for your brand

It’ll help you when you’re: Getting started, refreshing things, leveling up, reaching a new audience

It’s measured by: How your brand is viewed by your audience

👀 Visibility

This means focusing on: Growing your audience

It’ll help you when you’re: Wanting opportunities, pitching sponsors/partners, increasing sales, launching something new

It’s measured by: How many people know who you are

👋🏻 Awareness

This means focusing on: Improving how your brand is recalled in your industry

It’ll help you when you’re: Wanting clients/customers, establishing expertise, niching, pivoting

It’s measured by: How many people think of your brand in relation to a specific niche.


This means focusing on: Making your brand memorable

It’ll help you when you’re: Growing something existing, pitching sponsors/partners, increasing sales

It’s measured by: How many people recognise your brand name and symbols such as logos, packaging, brand colours, products, etc.

👆🏻 Engagement

This means focusing on: Increasing engagement with your brand

It’ll help you when you’re: Launching something new, pitching sponsors/partners, getting opportunities

It’s measured by: How many people engage with your brand

😍 Loyalty

This means focusing on: Improving brand loyalty

It’ll help you when you’re: Growing something existing

It’s measured by: How many people keep coming back

🧡 Advocacy

This means focusing on: Increasing recommendations for your brand

It’ll help you when you’re: Growing something existing, relaunching again, wanting more sales or customers, getting opportunities

It’s measured by: How many people refer or recommend you

How to set your brand goals

Your brand goals are there to help you achieve your business goals, so you need to start there. Then you can focus on the parts of your brand that will support the projects you work on.

For example:

  • If your plan is about pivoting completely, you might focus on Strategy & Clarity, Identity & Image, and Awareness so you can establish your new niche.
  • If you’re launching something new, it might be Strategy & Clarity, Visibility, and Engagement, so you can get your new offer in front of a bunch of new people.
  • If you’re growing something existing, you might work on your recognition, loyalty, and advocacy, so you can bring in referrals who can’t wait to work with you!

Once you’ve chosen which goal/s to focus on, you can get more detailed. For example, “Connect with 12 brands/people who can introduce me to their audience by June 30th 2021 to increase brand visibility.”

Building and growing a brand can feel like a daunting task (or never-ending list of tasks) and you might not know where to start. But I’m telling you, you don’t have to do it all at once. All you have to do is focus on one goal at a time that’s relevant to what you’re working on right now, and will move your business forward.

So, which brand goals are you choosing? 🤔

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December 7, 2022



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The Ultimate Branding Checklist

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